At the Beginning: Seven to Eternity
We don’t often consider single issues here at Comic POW! We prefer to look at story arcs and completed series to get a better feel for what the author and…
Baltimore Comic-Con 2016 Day 3: Interview with Mike Maihack of Cleopatra in Space
Walking around Artist Alley one sees so many neat and bizarre ideas for comics. When I saw the art and title for Cleopatra in Space, I had to speak with…
Baltimore Comic-Con 2016 Day 3: Interview with creators at Square City Comics
Once again I spoke to creators at Square City Comics about the neat books they have coming out of their local, indie studio. Once again, they did not fail to…
Baltimore Comic-Con 2016 Day 3: Interview with AZ Powergirl
Every year I check in with AZ Powergirl. She always has some new and interesting photos and merch since the previous year. However, this year, when I asked what she…
Baltimore Comic-Con 2016 Day 3: Music and Comic Books Panel
Comics might not contain music, but music can be a big part of comics. This panel discusses all the ways music intersects with comics – inspiration, background noise to help…
Baltimore Comic-Con Day 3: Diversity in Comics Panel
Diversity in media and comics might be controversial on the Internet, but at Baltimore Comic-Con 2016 it was the most highly attended panel (not counting the celebrity panels). A segment…
Baltimore Comic-Con Day 3: Interview with Ryan Fisher
Out of tragedy was born an all ages book to help both kids and adults deal with tragedy. Join me in my discussion with Ryan Fisher about his comic, Torchlight…
Baltimore Comic-Con Day 2: Interview with the Best in Show Costume Contest winner
I’m jumping ahead to the ultimate costume contest winner because I have nearly 1000 photos to go over for the costume contest main post and I didn’t want to hold…
Baltimore Comic-Con Day 2: Kevin Eastman Spotlight
Kevin Eastman is responsible for creating the characters that ended up in the cartoon show I was obsessed with as a kid. I spent every dollar I could find on…
Baltimore Comic-Con 2016 Day 2: Kristian Nairn (Hodor) Spotlight
When I first started watching Game of Thrones I hadn’t read the books yet and I had no idea that a mentally impaired character who only said one word, “Hodor”,…
Baltimore Comic-Con Day 2: Michael Rowe Spotlight
Christy Blanch, who Comic POW! readers will know as the writer of The Damnation of Charlie Wormwood and the professor behind the MOOC that led to the redesign of this…
Baltimore Comic-Con Day 1: The Pulp Roots of Comics Panel
As the first day of Baltimore Comic-Con 2016 came to a close, some comic writing luminaries got together to discuss how pulp fiction (the genre, not the 1990s movie) inspired…