- Uncanny X-Men Vol 2 #6 – the fallout from Uncanny X-Force continues. The result is a kind of Savage Land for new readers. Overall, I liked it less than issue #5, but still pretty good
- Defenders Vol 4 #3 – this continues to rock. Love it!
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 #679 – a great followup to the Spider-Man time travel story started in the last issue
- Avengers: X-Sanction #3 – action-packed adventure continues in the mini-series that will launch Avengers vs X-Men
- Uncanny X-Force #21 -this story arc is very disorienting and it’s hard to tell exactly what’s going on
- X-Club #3 – continues to be fun, but unsure what effect it’ll have on the rest of the X-Men universe
- Action Comics Vol 2 #6 – very confusing and I didn’t like it at all