FF #14 – This issue continues where the last one left off with the kids, Doom, and Grey Reed facing off against The Celestials. It also indirectly leads right into Fantastic Four #602.
Batman: The Dark Knight Vol 2 #5 – I really came close to hating this story. It’s once again using a similar plot as a Batman issue from the same month and not doing it in a compelling way
Justice League Vol 2 #5 – It’s still a middle-of-the-road book. I’m awaiting the end of this story arc.
X-Men Legacy #261 – this issue does what I wish the Cyclops books (Uncanny, X-Me, etc) would do – advance the characters lives, emotions, etc in addition to having some action elements
Secret Avengers #21.1
Teen Titans Vol 4 #5 – They fight against Superboy. At the end of this issue, I’m glad that’s finally over so we can see where Lobdell wants to take this book.
Secret Avengers #21.1 – Rick Remender takes over this book and I really love what he’s doing with it. If next issue is just as good, I may have found a new book for my pull list.